Friday 19 October 2012

Match on action

A match on action shot is when a shot is cut from one to another, the editor cuts the shot to another so that it matches the previous shot.

Mis en scene - 3D software

I used a 3D imaging softtware to help create my own mis en scene setting briefly, I decided to do something very simplistic. In this image I wanted to show a farm house, and a farmer with his daughter. I done this by choosing appropriate costume for the characters, and suitable props.

Mis en scene

This image is a medium - close up, so we're able to see his facial expression, costume and prop. The mis en scene shows the character is facing towards and looking directly at teh camera, with the gun pointing straight towards it; this puts the audience in an uncomfortable position.
The gun in his hand isn't in that much focus, the gun being out of focus causes us to concentrate on his face and his expression more. The highkey lighting in the image implies that he is the good guy, his costume also gives off the same impression, and shows that he has some sort of authority; on the other hand the fact that his top button is undone, suggests that he's a good person that's been caught up in some sort of situation.

Friday 5 October 2012

Camera shots

EWS(Extreme Wide Shot): Extreme wide shot is usually used as an establishing shot, the shot is captured from far back from the subject that it isn't visible.

Medium Close-up: Half way between mid shot and close up
Extreme close up: Extreme close up shows major detail

Very wide shot: The subject is visible (barely), but the emphasis is still on placing him in his environment.

Point of view shot: view from the subject's perspective

Weather shot: Weather itself can be used as the main subject, it can be used as background etc
Two shot: A shot that include to two people in the frame.
Over the shoulder shot: Look at the subject, from over the other person's shoulder
Cut in: Another part of the character is shown in detail