Research (coursework)

Preliminary Exercise

Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchange a couple of lines of dialogue. This task demonstrates match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

Roles within group

                                                                Director – Reanne

Camera girl – Mica

Lighting – Nga

                                                             Sound/editing – Jodie


A student falls asleep in class and wakes up to a dark empty school, he/she panics and then run out of the classroom down a long corridor (dark and spooky) opening doors on their way but all doors are closed with empty classrooms. She finally gets to the end of the corridor to an empty room where there is a person in a seat in the room with one spotlight on the person seated.



Influences for Preliminary Task

Since the genre of our film is based on horror, we thought that these particular films influenced our ideas on our task.The key idea are the running scenes that are shown in both films, however at the end of our film there's going to be a comical effect, which was mostly inspired by Scary Movie; our filming having the scary concept to it yet funny, which would position our audience to go from feeling uncomfortable to feeling relaxed towards the end.


Character (Pants whilst pausing): Sorry I’m late
Character2: I’ve been waiting ages for you (DEEP AND CYNICAL VOICE)
Character 1: I came as quick as I could, I didn’t realise the time
(Character 1 looks at clock to show eye-line match)
Character 2: Oh well it doesn’t matter now, take a seat
Character 1: Ok (nervously and takes a seat)
(Character 2 slowly reaches for a briefcase & opens it)
(Spins chair around)
Character 2:  So which one should we give mum for Christmas (JOLLY TONE)
(Lays out a pack of cards in front of character 1)

Props/Objects needed

·                     Briefcase
·                     Desk
·                     Computer Chair
·                     Christmas Cards
·                     Clock


The storyboard shows clearly what our story is about and the order of it. Below each image is a brief description explaining what camera shots and angles are going to be used and the different types of lighting. The storyboard also had to show where the match on action, 180 degree rule and other techniques are going to be used, and why we were going to use them in that specific scene.


The floorplans show a clear positioning of the lighting, cameras and characters, and any other important props that may be in the scene. There's a floorplan for each one of our scenes, since we're doing three different scenes, three floorplans were made for each of them. 

Production Schedule

The production schedule made was to help keep us organised throughout, we made a list of the timings that we were going to film, what floorplan we were going to film at that exact time, and also what props/actors we'd need for that particular scene. The timing of the shots also have to be in order with the number of shots we have to film. 

Main Task

Our second task as a group is to make a 2 minute opening to a film. Before we do so we have to decide what genre we want our film to based on.
We came up with a list of all the different genres we could think of:

  • Adventure 
  • Animation
  • Action 
  • Comedy 
  • Drama 
  • Rom-Com 
  • Horror 
  • Thriller 
  • Musical 
  • Western 
  • Bollywood
  • Fantasy 
  • Sci-Fi 

As a group we picked out at least 7 genre that we could choose from; to help us choose a genre we took a public survey and asked people which genre they prefered out of:
- Horror                            - Drama
-Action                             - Fantasy
-Comedy                           -Sci Fi

After we picked our genre we then had to find film influences, that could give us an idea of our storyline and the main plot. As group and from the survey we took we also found out that teens aged 16+ enjoyed British teenage/youth drama, which gave us an idea of what types of influences we were going to go for.
Below are trailers and clips of our film influences.

Influences for Main Task
 Rolling with the nines


Ill Manors

  4. 3. 2. 1.

Top Boy

Conventions of Drama:


    To help plan our task we made a list of influence and props we'll need to give us an idea of what our film would be based, and the props that'll help portray our genre. We then created a brainstorm based around our main character, this is just a brief description; We then created a storyline for our task, and listed all the different locations that we'll be filming. 




    Our film is based around a teenage boy Derell whose from a low income area of Hackney, East London. The story focuses on Derell's relationship with his family and friends; the protagonist Derell, lies to his mum about his whereabouts and what he's been up to, she drops him off at what she thinks is going to be a 'party.' Little does she know Derell has a secret life involving, drugs, sex and money; he get's so caught up in lifestyle he doesn't pay attention to the danger around him...

    Filming Dates

    Thursday 7th Feb 2013
    Location: Angel, Islington
    Reanne and Jodie went to shoot some establishing shots in Angel.
     They weren't able to find a building where they could get a decent birds eye view of london/suuroundings. The shots that they mainly got were high angle shots and shots have traffic.

    Friday 8th Feb 2013
    Location: Nightingale Estate
    To get a perfect birds eye view, we ll decided that we needed to go to a local building that was high enough for us to get the shot. We all went to Nightingale Estate to get the establishing shots we needed; we thought that this would be the right location as it cleary shows the area of where our film would be set. Nightingale is a tower block so we went to the top floor and took some shots of the view.

    Saturday 9th Feb 2013
    Location: Tottenham
    Nga, Jodie and myself plus our cast went to a house in which they filmed most of the shots. Some of the shots didn't come out as planned, so we're going to film certain scenes again; however we did get some good shots that we'll probably use.

    Filiming Updates

    Recently we've been having some troubles regarding are filming project and due to these issues are initial plans for our film have been changed a couple of times. After filming our first clip our teacher didn't agree with the concept of the film, and thought it was a bit too complicated for a 2 minute opening of a film, and that we were giving away too much. We then had to come up with a different script and storyboard which was much more simplistic than the previous, once this was done there were still problems with finding locations for certain scenes, and the times in which we could film during the day.

    After filming our second piece there were still complications involving the different camera shots used, and the lighting, we then sat down with our teacher who explained that we need to create a plan properly including, call sheets, shot list and to re-do the storyboard once more, and to watch a couple of films that'll inspire us. As group we came up with different ideas, that'll fit our initial storyline, doing so we had to consider our audience and whether they would understand the concept that we were going for, having in mind films that we had recently watched. 


    Once we had created a brand new storyboard, and all our paper work was sorted, myself and my director Nga had planned that our group would go out film that weekend. Our filming started at 6am, as we wanted to get establishing shots of London/Hackney; shops and markets opening and setting up, people making their way to work, and local areas. 
    We also managed to film scenes involving our main character which were both interior and exterior scenes, the filming showed him getting ready to head out and making his way to the shop before he makes his journey to his location. 


    We were suppose to film the rest of our scenes involving our main character Pedro, but unfortunately we were unable to film due to issues with our location.


    After having issues with filming that was meant to take place on the 15th, we are going to be filming on this date instead; there will be updates on our progress.


    Our first intital idea for our main task was to create crime/drama, which would've been based on daily teenage crimes. We found it very difficult to create this because there was so much that we wanted to add individualy however it wouldn't have been possibly for a 2 minute opening for a film.
    Finally we came up with an idea that we all agreed on, unfortunately our filming didn't go so well, as we had communication problems as well as our filming techniques not being up to scratch, which led to us having to film 3 times over.

    However after a couple of weeks of filming myself and my director Nga, decided that a horror genre would be a good idea, after discussing it with our other group members we all agreed on the genre. Once we had made our decision to change our genre, we had to come with a concept for our film and whether we wanted it be a typical horror or whether we wanted to subvert from horrors. We then decided that we wanted our film to conform and challenge horror conventions, once this decision was made we then began planning and researching ideas for our new film.








    Email to youtube account based on permission:
    Before we finalized our film we decided to screen our film to a couple of people in order to get their opinions on our project so far and what they thought could be done to imporve it.

    After reviewing what a member of our audience had to say regarding our film, we learnt that the main issue we had was with the sound adjustment, and the soundtrack used. Afterwards we had a clear idea about what changes needed to made in our film. We managed to fix the sound adjustments by making it fade in and out smoothly, without jumps; as for our soundtrack itself we cut that shorter so it didn’t make the film feel as if it was dragging on.


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