Friday 23 November 2012



The storyboard shows clearly what our story is about and the order of it. Below each image is a brief description explaining what camera shots and angles are going to be used and the different types of lighting. The storyboard also had to show where the match on action, 180 degree rule and other techniques are going to be used, and why we were going to use them in that specific scene.


The floorplans show a clear positioning of the lighting, cameras and characters, and any other important props that may be in the scene. There's a floorplan for each one of our scenes, since we're doing three different scenes, three floorplans were made for each of them. 

Production Schedule

The production schedule made was to help keep us organised throughout, we made a list of the timings that we were going to film, what floorplan we were going to film at that exact time, and also what props/actors we'd need for that particular scene. The timing of the shots also have to be in order with the number of shots we have to film. 

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