Friday 23 November 2012

Preliminary Task: Planning


A student falls asleep in class and wakes up to a dark empty school, he/she panics and then run out of the classroom down a long corridor (dark and spooky) opening doors on their way but all doors are closed with empty classrooms. She finally gets to the end of the corridor to an empty room where there is a person in a seat in the room with one spotlight on the person seated.



Roles within group

Director – Reanne
Camera girl – Mica

Lighting – Nga

Sound/editing – Jodie


Character (Pants whilst pausing): Sorry I’m late
Character2: I’ve been waiting ages for you (DEEP AND CYNICAL VOICE)
Character 1: I came as quick as I could, I didn’t realise the time
(Character 1 looks at clock to show eye-line match)
Character 2: Oh well it doesn’t matter now, take a seat
Character 1: Ok (nervously and takes a seat)
(Character 2 slowly reaches for a briefcase & opens it)
(Spins chair around)
Character 2:  So which one should we give mum for Christmas (JOLLY TONE)
(Lays out a pack of cards in front of character 1)

Props/Objects needed

·                     Briefcase
·                     Desk
·                     Computer Chair
·                     Christmas Cards
·                     Clock

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