Saturday 24 November 2012

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task 
This is our video for our preliminary task, click here to view.

Our preliminary task involved us having to make a 2 to 3 minute clip which we had to film and edit ourselves. The main aim of the task was to use a variety of editing and camera techniques, the genre of our film was a crucial decision that we had to make, our overall outcome was that we'd have a twist within our genres with both comedy and horror. We then had to decide who our audience would be aimed at, we knew for definate that it would be for teens, but we had to consider what age range we would go for, after our discussion we then thought 12A. After doing some research I found out that age range for the majority of horror and comedy films were 18+ for horror and 12A for comedies.
Throughout the task I think my team worked well together, each of us contributed a fair amount to the task and we had to come up with a plan for our piece, each of us had a task to concentrate on. Nga created the script and storyline, Jodie and Reanne completed the storyboards and I done the floor plan.

To help us create our film we done extra research by watching a couple of horror and comedy films, and to try and pick up on the conventions in all of the films; by concentrating on the camera angles, lighting, mis en scene and the different types of sound used. After watching these films we had to consider what type of camera shots and angles we were going to use of our film, keeping in mind that our genre is horror/comedy we realised that we had to use a variety, that would help make it clear.
We also had to remember we had to include 'The 180 degree rule,' 'Shot reverse shot,' and 'Match on action/continuity;' and a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom he/she then exchanges a couple lines of dialogue.

Before we could start filming we had to decide as a group which one of us was going to take on what role; at first Nga was in charge of lighting, Jodie was doing the editing, Reanne was the cameragirl and I was the director. However Reanne was having some difficulties using the camera, so I took on the role with filming instead since I've had experience with filming before, and Reanne became director. We managed to include '180 degree' and 'Match on action/continuity.'  

Shot Reverse Shot Issues 
Once we had finished filming our preliminary task, we then realised that we didn't include the 'Shot Reverse Shot' technique which was part of our task. So we then decided to film a seperate clip showing the Shot Reverse Shot technique and that we understood what it was, which is shown in the video below.

As for the sound both non-diegtic and diegtic sound was used; diegetic sound was used throughout the film from dialogue to ambient sounds in  the background. Non -diegtic sound was added during the editing process, the editing process is where the match on action and continuity was cleaned up and fixed. To edit our film we used a programme 'iMovie,' to edit we found it quite simple to use as some of us had experience using it before, and we taught other members how to use it which they picked up quickly. During the editing we had to make the sure that the timing of each clip was procise, and the continuity was clear; we also added some non-diegtic sound such as, the clock ticking and background music playing throughout the clip.

Overall I think creating our preliminary task went smoothly because, we made sure that we researched and planned what we were going to be doing. We also communicated well throughout the task with one another, and everyone knew what their role was within the group; we were also organised, and stuck to our time scheduele. Setting and up and packing our equipment away was also done properly, when editing our final piece we all contributed ideas which we thought would help improve our film.

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