Wednesday 27 March 2013

FILM INDUSTRY: Distribution: Marketing

The internet

Websites become more of an important part of a films marketing strategy; a distributor may create a specific/official website for a film as well as having a site which will display all of the films that are soon to be released by the distributor; to make the website successful it has to reflect the overall image of the film.

The opening weekend

Everything can depend on a film's opening weekend, once the film has opened in cinemas there is no possiblity of completely changing the film or marketing campaign if the audience aren't coming to view it. The 1st weekend that a film plays in a cinema indicates where it will successful in the box office, usually a film will earn most of it's money during the weekend. However if the box office reception is poor, then the film may not recover and will be taken out the cinemas.

Timing the release

The film's release is a key element of the marketing campaign. Before releasing a film the distributor will carefully track their competitors' release schedule,this is done to make sure they both don't go head to head. Traditonally around summer and christmas, blockbuster films are released and children's are released during school holiday times.

Types of release

- 5% of films are released with over 500 prints, which is also accompanied by a large advertising spend
- Approx. £300 million was spent on advertising films, the majority of these films were blockbusters
- Most UK released films are launched on fewer than 50 prints which isn't supported by a large amounts of advertising.


- Teaser trailers might start to appear in cinemas anything up to a year before the film is released.
-The full trailer will appear between 1 and 2 months before film is released
- TV Spots tend to be on screen a week or 2 before the opening of a film or just after the film has opened.

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