Monday 11 March 2013


This task concentrated on the production/producing aspects of film making, from the costs and budgets; and the different influences that may be based on a film. 

The chart above gives a clear idea of the difference between a Blockbuster and an Independent film, and the amount of money that goes into a film, and what the majority of the money is spent on.

The task above involved me having to create my own film from scratch without going over my budget, I had to decide what genre my film was going to be, and what it was going to be about. I then had to decide on a screen write and director both whom have had to have experience within a similar genre; considering my budget I then had to decide on the main female and male actors, which is one of the most important decisions, after reading their briefs I chose the best ones that'll fit the genre and appeal to my target audience.  Once that was done I chose the kind on music I want for my soundtrack, and the different types of advertisements I thought would be an advantage for my film. 

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